Doc in Río

By Daniel de la Calle Dear blog readers, During the next forty some days I will be in Brazil, screening the film around cities and representing the A Sea Change crew at an environmental film festival called FASAI, in the state of Bahía. I will do my best to deliver updates of how things go […]

SCRIPPS and A Sea Change: Science and Cinema on a Mission

On Friday night we had a reunion in La Jolla with our colleagues from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.  It was the first time we had gotten together since we stormed COP15.  After much strategizing, we have decided to have a repeat performance at COP16 in November.  We concluded that we had, in fact, made […]

Into the Cerrado

By Daniel de la Calle The screening in Goiania marked the beginning of my last week in Brazil. I sped up the visits to the açai na tigela parlor, tried to look more closely at plants in the parks and to spot all the macaques on the electric wires; ay! so many things I would […]

Sea Level Rise, Ocean Warming and Ocean Acidification

By Daniel de la Calle If you can spare 18 minutes, please watch this video of a conference about the oceans delivered by Professor Rob Dunbar, of Stanford University. I believe it was held in the Galapagos Islands not long ago. Professor Dunbar talks about sea level rise, ocean warming and about what “frightens [him] […]

Lazaro Ramos

By Daniel de la Calle One of the things that worry me the most when I do the screenings or talk to people here in Brazil is that it feels I am preaching amongst believers.  The vast majority of Brazilians that do not know about Ocean Acidification, the ones that do not care about or […]

South of Africa

A couple weeks ago we had several screenings at the Labia Theatre in Cape Town, South Africa. Thanks to the efforts from the Sustainable Seas Trust, Andreas Spath with his While You Were Sleeping team, and Tessa Hempson from the University of Cape Town it was a great success that even took them by surprise. […]

Day 2

Barbara and I are here in Copenhagen at COP-15 to continue our efforts to get oceans and ocean acidification onto the global climate agenda.  We are part of the team from Scripps and the University of California.  Towards that end, I was asked to give a talk yesterday on Ocean Acidification and its Human Impacts.  […]

Day 3 – At the Bella Center

Today will be a full day at the Bella Center. Yesterday we met with a journalist from Barcelona who writes for La Vanguardia.  He, like many, wanted to know why it has taken so long for ocean acidification to become a known issue. He asked us what the delegates would say if asked why it […]

Niijii Films in Copenhagen

Barbara, Sven, Angela and Gwen have landed in Copenhagen.  We have at least 4 screenings of A Sea Change planned during the COP-15 conference, and we plan to do everything we can to put the oceans on the agenda of discussion for our nations’ leaders.  While there is little likelihood of a significant treaty being […]

World Ocean Day 2009–party with A Sea Change

The problem of ocean acidification is global. That’s why we want to spark awareness of the issue with a series of international events on World Ocean Day 2009, June 8. As an anchor event we invite you to screen A Sea Change. Maybe you’d like to use the opportunity to raise awareness around your own […]

Summer Streets in New York City

Regular readers know we don’t limit ourselves to direct reporting on climate change and ocean acidification. No, we gotta take ourselves into the open air sometimes and perk up. Here’s a great carbon-free option for doing just that. Courtesy Streetfilms.

A Sea Change screened at AGU

A Sea Change had its own session at the AGU Fall Meeting on Dec. 16. We screened an excerpt of the fine cut, with Q&A following. Here science journalist Christina Reed introduces the film.