Live from the Protests

Helicopters are making a deafening noise today, as they follow the protesters who have taken to the streets. We can barely hear ourselves think as we wait it out, this time in our warm apartment. Today is Oceans Day at COP-15, and there is a surge of interest in ocean acidification. We attended a conference […]


On Earth Day this week, Barbara and Sven were announced as 2010 NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Environmental Heroes for their tireless work to bring attention to ocean acidification through A Sea Change.  To see the official announcement, click here.

SCRIPPS and A Sea Change: Science and Cinema on a Mission

On Friday night we had a reunion in La Jolla with our colleagues from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.  It was the first time we had gotten together since we stormed COP15.  After much strategizing, we have decided to have a repeat performance at COP16 in November.  We concluded that we had, in fact, made […]

Stirring it up on the West Coast

In our last entry, we were touring the gold mining town of Nevada city in our new t-shirts, sporting the logo “make films, not war”.  This was during the Wild and Scenic Film Festival in Nevada City, just east of Sacramento in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains.  An established environmental film festival, it brings […]

An Understanding Review from Orion

From the January, 2010 issue of Orion Magazine A Sea Change A Film By Barbara Ettinger Niijii Films, 2009. $24.95, 81 minutes. In his autobiography, Charles Darwin wrote, “I was born a naturalist.” From a young age he was fascinated by every aspect of nature. In the opening scene of A Sea Change, a film […]

Convincing the Skeptics with Science and Film

We have just dragged our weary bodies back from a long, but productive day. The screening at the Danish Film Institute was excellent, with the Huffington Post and Carbon War Room in attendance, along with other engaged parties. We remain endebted to the scientists who continue to participate in the Q&A after the film – […]

Niijii Films in Copenhagen

Barbara, Sven, Angela and Gwen have landed in Copenhagen.  We have at least 4 screenings of A Sea Change planned during the COP-15 conference, and we plan to do everything we can to put the oceans on the agenda of discussion for our nations’ leaders.  While there is little likelihood of a significant treaty being […]

On the Road Again

Sven, on the way to make some noise about ocean acidification in Copenhagen.

Registration Complete

It seems we were fortunate to get credentialed earlier, as today was another story.  The quiet Bella Center of yesterday was swamped this afternoon with crowds, and a  two hour wait  to pick up badges.  By 4:00pm registration for NGO’s was suspended, as was the issuing of press credentials.  Sven and I stayed clear of […]

Day 3 – At the Bella Center

Today will be a full day at the Bella Center. Yesterday we met with a journalist from Barcelona who writes for La Vanguardia.  He, like many, wanted to know why it has taken so long for ocean acidification to become a known issue. He asked us what the delegates would say if asked why it […]

In Copenhagen

We made it!  Bleary eyed and a bit soggy from the constant drizzle, we in arrived in Copenhagen yesterday.  Christmas and Climate Change are in evidence everywhere!  I’ll email photographic evidence later today (see below), but meanwhile, my first favorite factoid from Denmark courtesy of the Danish National Museum: Did you know… Some 14,000 years […]

Interview on Martha Stewart

A big thanks to Martha Stewart for providing her support in helping us to get the word out on ocean acidification. Here’s a lovely photo of Martha with Barbara Ettinger and Sven Huseby, on the show: And below you can see the interview:

NBC anchor Wendy Rieger couldn’t get into DC premiere of A Sea Change

This post would belong in the shameless self-promotion category, except that Wendy Rieger wrote the bulk of it; we're just quoting. Anchor of NBC4 in DC, and originator of the "Going Green" strand, she produced a lovely story on A Sea Change. Wendy decided the next day to attend our DC premiere in person, and […]

Washington Post reviews A Sea Change

Ann Hornaday reviews A Sea Change in today's issue of The Washington Post (March 12). An excerpt: "The story of a retired educator who becomes interested in, and finally consumed by, the declining state of the world's oceans, the film [A Sea Change] brings a crucial and little-known issue to the attention of filmgoers. The […]

World Oceans Day Q&A with Filmmakers of A Sea Change

Following a screening of A Sea Change at the Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries, Barbara Ettinger and Sven Huseby answer questions about the film and ocean acidification. The plan was to receive tweeted questions and emails from other venues screening for World Oceans Day. Well, we couldn’t get online: Verizon decided to test its […]

KGO ABC7 News covers A Sea Change

Barbara Ettinger and Sven Huseby of Niijii Films interviewed on KGO, ABC 7, just before the West Coast premiere of A Sea Change at the San Francisco International Film Festival.