Condensed by Distillation

By Daniel de la Calle Decanted from the speedy flow of information here are a handful of the latest news on Ocean Acidification: ≈≈≈The Third International Symposium on The Ocean in a High-CO2 World took place at the end of last month. You can read the press release at the end of the four-day event […]

Pizza Vs. Sushi

By Daniel de la Calle Researchers believe we should prepare ourselves for a world with more anchovies and less tuna:     Various recent studies indicate a constant decrease in the number of marine predators; from sharks to tuna, our “lions and tigers of the seas” are becoming less and less abundant.  If certain key elements […]

News and a Rumor

By Daniel de la Calle Distilled from the World Wide Web for you:     -The Plymouth Marine Laboratory has launched a new short film on Ocean Acidification. Its title is “Ocean acidification: Connecting science, industry, policy and public”. Here it is     -Folks at United By Blue are organizing a cleanup on Saturday June 11th […]

News: What Blogs Are For

By Daniel de la Calle Here is the classic list of web finds you have seen right here in the past.  This week I dug out two great videos, info about a workshop in China, a job offer, some news and a literary reference, clearly enough to enhance your weekend experience. Echinoderms will be fine.  […]

Please welcome: the amazing octopus

By Daniel de la Calle During my first year of college I studied Law.  I did not know what to do and my father was convinced it suited me, so between nothing and Law, Law it was.  For two semesters the only lectures that caught my attention were about Roman Law.  Not only was the […]

I Am Costly

By Daniel de la Calle I confess I get irritated by the carbon footprint/credit scheme.  Some months ago I did some research to try to understand just how carbon credits work, where you can buy them, how individual and national emissions are measured and I found the system to be complicated, bias, Kafkaesque.  Here we […]

Our COP-15 Action Plan – Upcoming Weekend Events

Here is our schedule of events for the next few days, from today Friday December 11 through to Monday December 14, designated as Ocean Day at the COP-15. Today we have plenty to do–organize an upcoming press conference for Barbara and Sven at the Klimaforum, hand out our postcards with the events on the back, […]

Doc in Río

By Daniel de la Calle Dear blog readers, During the next forty some days I will be in Brazil, screening the film around cities and representing the A Sea Change crew at an environmental film festival called FASAI, in the state of Bahía. I will do my best to deliver updates of how things go […]

Niijii Films in Copenhagen

Barbara, Sven, Angela and Gwen have landed in Copenhagen.  We have at least 4 screenings of A Sea Change planned during the COP-15 conference, and we plan to do everything we can to put the oceans on the agenda of discussion for our nations’ leaders.  While there is little likelihood of a significant treaty being […]

Factory farms & greenhouse gas

Just heard this factoid on "The Leonard Lopate Show." The guest was Mark Bittman, talking about the environmental impact of the meat we Americans eat. (The rest of the world can prolly go to sleep right now, unless you want to know more about the stupidity of our agro-business/food culture. Wait, I was wrong. Unfortunately, […]

A Sea Change screening in San Diego for World Oceans Day

Elena and Dennis of Sea Rocket Bistro appeared on Channel 6 in San Diego to promote their World Oceans Day screenings of A Sea Change. The best advocates we could ask for! Sea Rocket Bistro is a farm-to-table restaurant that focuses on localfoods in order to provide a more physical connection between their guestsand the […]