Prince Charles fuels his Aston Martin with wine

"It is certainly a vintage vehicle. And now Prince Charles’s beloved Aston Martin DB6 is running on vintage too. A nice little white from a vineyard in Wiltshire, to be precise. Aspart of cutting his carbon footprint, the prince has converted the38-year-old classic car – a 21st birthday present from the Queen – torun on […]

World Ocean Day 2009–party with A Sea Change

The problem of ocean acidification is global. That’s why we want to spark awareness of the issue with a series of international events on World Ocean Day 2009, June 8. As an anchor event we invite you to screen A Sea Change. Maybe you’d like to use the opportunity to raise awareness around your own […]

Fishmobiles galore

We were looking for the Fishmobile designed by Urban Studio Brooklyn and Habana Works and found this one instead, an art car which frequents Burning Man–we like it so much we couldn’t resist posting it here.(What can we say: we’re fans of Burning Man, even though it may have gotten too big for its britches.) […]

Green For All

Greening the US plus jobs for the job-less. A win-win if I ever saw one. increasing the flow of green to the disenfranchised in the forms of jobs hence income increasing American’s use of green energy

Al Gore’s green energy challenge

Here’s Al Gore’s complete speech of July 17, in which he challenges the US to attain sustainable energy goals by 2018, courtesy EnergyEnvironmentTV.

Climate change video contest The three winners will receive cash prizes through a pre-loaded Brighter Planet Visa credit cards: 1st place: $3,0002nd place: $1,0003rd place: $500 Overview and guidelines         The contentof the video must relate to climate change and not to the support of oropposition to any candidate for public office or any political party. […]

Reunion Island Students at the IUCN Sailing to Barcelona Intiative

Click to Play Two charming students from Reunion Island talk about the importance of maintaining biodiversity. They were generous enough to speak with me in English; of course, they were much more comfortable in their native language (French, in case you didn’t know). I hope to post their commentary for the francophones among us soon. […]

Sailing to Barcelona

Our hats are off to those who can attend a conference and blog daily. We can only observe dumbfounded as we stumble into bed after a day and evening of screenings, discussions, serendipitous encounters, and hurried visits to email and that huge congress calendar. Luckily someone had the foresight to create a cheat sheet for […]

Greening your filmmaking

Click to Play Marie-France Cote headed up a green filmmaking panel at Silverdocs 2007. Both a film producer and co-founder of the Green Code Project, Marie-France spoke about the expanding, international assortment of people who are part of Green Code (Greencoders!) and what they are doing to come up with practical steps to give filmmaking […]

Summer Streets in New York City

Regular readers know we don’t limit ourselves to direct reporting on climate change and ocean acidification. No, we gotta take ourselves into the open air sometimes and perk up. Here’s a great carbon-free option for doing just that. Courtesy Streetfilms.

Olivia Chantecaille at the Oceans Pavilion in Barcelona

Olivia Chantecaille attended the roll-out of a gorgeous booklet called Gems of the High Seas at the Oceans Pavilion. Chantecaille Cosmetics, of which she is creative director, sponsored the booklet’s publication.Gems of the High Seas focuses on six beautiful and endangered regions of the ocean. Ms. Chantecaille said: "The strongest message that I’ve gotten from […]

Sylvie Chantecaille at the IUCN World Conservation Congress

The Chantecaille family was well represented in Barcelona, with both mother (Sylvie) and daughters (Alex and Olivia) attending as delegates for the Marine Conservation Biology Institute (MCBI). Mrs. Chantecaille has led the way in leveraging the family’s international cosmetics business into a means of letting women know about marine conservation issues. She said: "We have […]

Information for Action

Information for Action is an environmental website offering a couple of features: An easy-to-use automated lobbying service, allowing you to quickly send emails, letters or faxes to politicians and business leaders all over the world. An educational resourceexplaining the environmental issues, using words, images, maps, graphs,links, and offering solutions and a ‘What you can do’ […]

Interns & volunteers invited

Great news: we’re building up momentum and A Sea Change isn’t out yet. We knew the public would care about ocean acidification once they knew about it. We’re being proved right. But that means we could use some help, especially with outreach. And what the heck is outreach? Just letting our core audience know about […]

Our green aspirations

Click to Play Ben Kalina speaks briefly about our plans to produce a film with a small carbon footprint and a big educational footprint, while making art in the process. Yes, and when we’re finished with that, we’ll be balancing the U.S. budget and drinking to world peace. Thanks to Cameron Hickey from Pattern Films […]

Possible suit against EPA under Clean Water Act to address ocean acidification

The Center for Biological Diversity may bring suit against the EPA for not upholding water standards in the face of ocean acidification. The NGO will take legal action if the EPA fails to act promptly on a petition submitted last year, in which the agency was asked to "impose stricter pH standards for ocean waterquality […]

Valerie Burgener sums up Sailing to Barcelona

Click to Play Valérie Burgener was instrumental in coordinating the activities of Sailing to Barcelona, one of the initiatives of the IUCN World Conservation Congress. Here she sums up the successes of the initiative. One big problem: the boats were a 40-min. metro ride away from the bulk of the Congress activities (at the Forum). […]

McKenzy Haber Eco Drives at IUCN World Conservation Congress

He may be only 12 years old, but McKenzy Haber held first place atthe Toyota Eco Drive exhibit in Barcelona. Here he explains and testdrives for us. Turns out he’s also in third, fifth, seventh &eighth places. What’s that about "and a little child shall lead them?"Mind you, in two years McKenzy can drive legally […]

A Sea Change at the 2008 Waterfront Conference in New York

ASC has just joined the Waterfront Alliance in New York. We’ll betabling at the 2008 Waterfront Conference on Nov. 13 with posters &flyers, showing the trailer to anyone who’s interested. "From thepaddlers of the Sebago Canoe Club on Jamaica Bay to the InternationalShippers of the New York Shipping Association, over 300 organizationsdedicated to a healthy, […]


We’d definitely like to see this: star power (Julia Roberts, Woody Harrelson, Sheryl Crow) plus humor (how many french fries does it take to run that thing?) plus scary facts plus solutions. We do wonder about biodiesel as the cure-all, but we don’t know if that’s what he’s proposing. We’ll just bide our time, see […]

Next US President, you’re invited to the UN climate meeting has set up a super-quick way to ask the next U.S. president to join the rest of the human race at the upcoming UN climate meetings.You can generate an email to both McCain and Obama in just about three seconds. What the heck, why not give it a try? Then for good measure, maybe […]

Global Day of Action for the Climate

Effective use of people as graphic elements to make the "Big Ask" forGlobal Day of Action for the Climate on December 06, 2008.The Big Ask unites Friends of the Earth groups across Europe in a call for governments to commit to cutting emissions. We do wonder a bit where all the people of color are; […]

Obama promises presence at December climate talks

At a rope line in Columbus, Ohio on Nov. 2, Barack Obama says hewill either go to the U.N. climate talks in Poland this December, orsend a team in his place. Greenpeace has a campaign urging the President-Elect to go in person. Which would be huge. We’ve signed up: how about you?

Holiday shopping

Oh, my goodness. We are so excited. Last weekend a friend was wearing an awesome T-shirt reading: "Plastic bags blow." And on the back: "BYOB. Bring Your Own Bag." We sourced them at American Apparel. Organic cotton. Water-based ink. $4.95! We usually refuse to wear or give T-shirts with a slogan (though we made […]